18 November 2007

Punk writing about a punk, using punk #2's age-old "editorial skills" on a third, recently indicted, punk to impugn one of the many punk Presidential candidates and a cable tv channel that punk #1 would prefer were censored. Punks #1 and #2 qualify.

11 November 2007

It seems to be Paul Krugman weekend on BookTV. How muddle-headed must one be to identify Rambo films as the deciding factor for people's preference for Republicans on foreign policy matters?

16 October 2007

Particularly stupid...her n' fellow Air America host Jon Elliott are haters of the first water.

"Air America radio host Randi Rhodes is temporarily off the air, but claims she was brutally attacked near her Manhattan apartment are bogus, her lawyer and a police source said today.

Fellow host Jon Elliott claimed on the liberal radio network that Rhodes had been mugged while walking her dog, Simon, on Sunday night. Elliot, who said Rhodes lost several teeth in the attack, waxed about a possible conspiracy."

From Gawker.com:

"Randi Rhodes was no more assaulted by a right-wing fanatic on Monday than Dick Cheney was. She, in fact, fell down and injured her teeth outside of a Midtown Irish bar at around 6 o'clock Sunday evening after downing about fourteen Ketel One Bloody Marys. She was abusive to the barstaff and generally gross, crass, loud, and pretentious." --emphasis added

13 September 2007

MoveOn.org received a $102,000 discount on the standard political advocacy rate that is advertised at $167,157.

26 August 2007

Hoist upon their own petard...and, as usual, completely oblivious to their causation of the chaos before them. The supreme irony is this is happening with and to the place where it all began.

04 August 2007

Thieves of the worst sort...not surprising who it is, just surprising that they let themselves get caught out in the open.

Post address: http://www.townhall.com/columnists/TomDeLay/2007/08/03/house_democrats_fail_democracy_101

31 July 2007

Hypocrisy, thy name is Texas!

15 July 2007

"They all think they are so different, but they are just a bunch of conformists."

Having completely crapped up their nest in their arrogance, Antioch College heads for the dustbin of history. Good Riddance.

06 July 2007

Senator's son begets Senator's son. "...and the beat goes on...."

28 June 2007


16 June 2007

The Republican whip, Trent Lott of Mississippi, who supports the bill, said: “Talk radio is running America. We have to deal with that problem.”

Translation: Free speech is interfering with what we want to do. We'll have to stifle it.

Sen. Lott has long been particularly stupid...now he reveals that he is evil.

"We don't trust our bureaucrats and leaders to care a lot about America."

15 June 2007

U.S. District Judge Reggie B. Walton. Lynne Stewart, facilitator to international murderers, got the same sentence and got to stay out during her appeals before going to jail.

14 June 2007

Hollywood tart engages in incredible irony.

Gasbag twit, during a break from rigging land deals in Nevada, spewing bilge, again.

Commissioner Stacy Ritter, small town small mind who needs to grow up, is unable to see past her prejudices and puts the public safety at risk on a topic of importance which far exceeds her limited world view.

03 June 2007

An entire state of SEWs.

02 June 2007

Jimmy Carter, Dictator's Tool...choking the life out of free speech and free societies just as fast as he can.

01 June 2007

21st Century Typhoid Mary...he should be sued back to the Stone Age.

26 May 2007

These children earn their place by their graceless slurping of privilege while while dissing the source of their access to that privilege...so 21st Century bourgeois, but then their mother makes certain to display her excellent bona fides as 20th Century bourgeois. If she is an suc a good aspiring actress/director, what is the reason the graduate is not going to Yale?

10 May 2007

"Frankly, I find the Rev. Zawahiri even more incoherent than Senator Reid."

06 May 2007

So freakin' predictable!!...a leftist doesn't like the way things are going and threats of unspecified violence follow close at hand...Ségolène Royal, a stupid, evil Euro-wussy.

02 May 2007

A loser child (former high-placed Democrat Congressional staffer) who played with a gun (used connections/position to become Director of Central Intelligence) and got a lot of people killed (as in 9/11).

29 April 2007

John Murtha, Jr....or...perhaps the heir apparent to the John Murtha Chair of the Dhimmicrat Party.

25 April 2007

A bully is a bully is a bully...and a hypocrite of the first water.

12 April 2007

There are too many stupid, evil wussies in this story to count, almost.

Certainly, anybody not a team member, which includes the coaching staff including their elegant and eloquent coach. I watched this team lose to UConn early in the season and was struck by their strength of heart and composure, even in a big loss. After that, I watched them whenever they played on tv, not just UConn games on our local public tv franchise. That heart, that composure, their guts, hard work, skill and determination were a special thing to watch, which is the reason I kept catching them.

The foul inanities of an antique fool CANNOT begin to blemish what these women accomplished through the end of their season and in the NCAA playoffs. ANYONE who suggests that they can is NOT a friend of these women. Their sustained demonstration of their warrior heart(s) isn't in the same universe with that old fool. The people suggesting to these women they are victims are evil as it can be only for purposes of controlling and using these women. What I saw on the floor this season from this team says their proper response should have been a proud roar of "Kiss our a--, you doddering old irrelevance!", not the cowed group of girlies I saw at the Rutgers press conference.

Imus: For all the obvious reasons and a lot that are not; such as he has been the lapdog and useful idiot of the people now driving the bus over him. That Imus thought Rev. Al would help him calm the waters is proof of his idiocy.

From a reader comment at Spectator.org: "...understand that clowns like Sharpton and Jesse Jackson are stooges for the left-wing elite. They are paraded out and given prominent air-time so as to keep the blacks mentally chained in ghetto of victimhood and to reinforce the guilt feeling that white liberals have." Sharpton has borne false witness ("Tawana Brawley") for which he has yet to repent and Jackson's arc of moral depravity includes, figuratively, standing on the body of a great man (Martin Luther King) in order to run a corporate shakedown operation to support his pasha lifestyle.

Sumner Redstone and his minions: The most evil thing with the Supreme Leader of the ViaCom bilge is that he washed his hands of this matter, Pilate-like, when he said that he expected his chief lackey and stooge, Les Moonves, to "do the right thing". The evil of the excretory-being Moonves is that it took him 48+ hours to pull the plug on the "Imus in the Morning"...he probably had to run the spreadsheet projections on the cashflow changes and suck up to sponsors in attempts to fatten the post-Imus bottom line.

03 April 2007

31 March 2007

11 March 2007

Patrick Fitzgerald is a bad man. Paragraphs 5-10 of the link tell how.