20 November 2023

Al Franken, the Democrat from Minnesota who won election to the Senate after a successful career as a comic and author, has begun to show the sharp-tongued side of his personality by ripping into GOP staffers behind the scenes.

Oooo!...Tough Guy!!...NOT!
He embraces the enemies of Western civilization and turns his back on America’s allies and all behind a deceptively meek exterior that implies a powerless figure.

The Red Speech

"His spooky, dark, red-and-blue tableau with stiff Marines in parade dress was ominous and intentionally staged. To hear a president talk and act this way was one of the political shocks of a lifetime."

29 August 2012

Hard Time Decidin'

I am having a hard time deciding...is Chris Matthews, besides having been Tip O'Neil's buttboy, a wizening old turd or still just a hectoring lout?

21 January 2012

04 November 2010

Matt Taibbi. Look up the words "useful idiot" in the dictionary and you'll find his picture. He bemoans the cycle of government paying money to gangsters who then pay it to politicians...and then wants more government regulation of business as the solution. Blind, stupid, evil wussie!

13 October 2010

This DB is so lost that it's doubtful he could find his a$$ with both hands...nevermind the horrendous crap he put us through.